Kibondo Porridge

Instant Fortified Porridge for 6-24 months

Muvyeyi Porridge

Instant Fortified Porridge for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

Muryango porridge

Instant Fortified Porridge for toddlers, teens, and adults

StrongStart Bouillie

Fortified Bouillie for toddlers, teens, and adults

What We Do

Marketable Products

Marketable Products

Currently, the factory produces a nutritious porridge from locally grown and sourced ingredients that are milled and blended with micronutrient...



We exist to offer fortified foods for improved nutrition on a large scale. In order to offer our products to more people, we intend to partner...

Community Projects

Community Projects

Our contribution to sustainable development by donating 5% of everything we produce

Our Vision
Thriving families. Flourishing communities

Our Range

Currently, we produce a range of fortified products , both instant and non-instant including but not limited to:

  • CSB Plus,
  • Fortified Maize Flour,
  • Kibondo Porridge,
  • StrongStart Bouillie
  • and other fortified products.

Muvyeyi Porridge

Muvyeyi Porridge

It has been scientifically proven that the 1,000-day window has a profound impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and thrive...

Muryango Porridge

Muryango Porridge

Children cannot learn when they are racked with hunger. Their brains cannot develop fully; they cannot concentrate or retain information.

Kibondo Porridge

Kibondo Porridge

It has been scientifically proven that the 1,000-day window has a profound impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and thrive.

StrongStart Bouillie

Strong Start is a delicious non-instant Bouillie made with maize, soya, sorghum, wheat, and enriched with premix (vitamins & minerals).

Corn Soy Blend Plus

Corn Soy Blend (CSB) is a highly nutritious wholesome blended food. CSB contains 69.5% cornmeal; 21.8% soy flour; a premix of 3.0% minerals and...

Fortified Maize Flour

Fortified Maize Flour is an efficient, simple and inexpensive strategy for supplying vitamins and minerals to the diets of large segments of the...


Communities of Hope